
Facing a business problem and not sure what to do about it? Want to improve your entrepreneurial skills? We can help with both!

I want advice

Need help overcoming the challenges of the business world? Whether you're just starting out or already have a handle on your business, we’re here to guide you through Prague’s innovation ecosystem and help you tackle any business challenge that comes your way.

  • I'm looking for financial resources
  • I need to connect with business partners
  • I’m cannot solve a business problem
I want advice

I want to further develop my skills

Whether you're a student or not, one thing is clear – the future belongs to those who never stop learning. Are you interested in soft skills, financial planning, marketing, or other topics related to business and innovation? Then you're in the right place.

  • We offer educational programs
  • We organize one-time educational events
  • We’ll guide you on the right path.
I want to further develop my skills

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