Rapid Defence Solutions for the Ukrainian battlefield and beyond


Second edition of the EUDIS Defence Hackathon is here, this time focusing on creation of innovative hardware and software solutions tailored to the urgent needs of the Ukrainian battlefield and similar operational contexts. As the conflict continues to evolve, there is a critical need for cutting-edge technologies that address the immediate challenges faced by the Ukrainian Armed Forces while offering broader applicability in defence and civilian sectors - will you and your team be the ones who come up with innovative solutions?

You can take on following challenges:

Challenge 1: Enhanced Situational Awareness and Tactical Surveillance Systems

Challenge 2: Cost-Effective Protective Gear for Frontline Defence

Challenge 3: Advanced Medical Support for Frontline Care

Who can participate?

>>Citizens of EU countries, Norway and Ukraine

>>Participants must be 18+ and submit valid ID or passport (before and during the event)

Hackathon is open for:

>> SMEs (Defence Industry Professionals, Cybersecurity organisations, Tech Developers and Engineers)

>> Startups (Defence and Civil Start-ups, UA Founders and Supporter Communities)

>> Researchers (Civil and Military Academic Researchers & Universities, Innovation Hubs and Defence Research Labs)

>> Experts (Cybersecurity & Space and Satellite Technology,  EU and National Defence Experts)

What can you gain from your participation?

>>Best projects and solutions will win monetary prizes, enter international competition and get a chance to turn their projects into business products

>>You will meet experts from the field of defence, business, VCs 


Learn more and register on the EUDIS Defence Hackathon webpage.


More information coming soon!

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